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- Adventure
- Adventurous
- Aerial
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- Africa
- African
- African Harp
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- Agitated
- Agitato
- Airy
- Allegro
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- Alto Sax
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- Bamboo Flute
- Band Music
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- Bass Flute
- Bassoon
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- Celtic Harp
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- Choral Music
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- Church Bells
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- Crumhorn
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- Cymbals
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- Determined
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- Dilruba
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- Disturbing
- Dixieland
- Dixieland Sextet
- Dobro
- Documentary
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- Drum & Bass
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- Erhu
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- Ethnic Flute
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- Exciting
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- Exotic
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- Fast
- Fear
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- Feelings
- Female Voice
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- Fight
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- Film Noir
- Finger Cymbals
- Fistula Flute
- Fitness
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- Flamenco Guitar
- Flowing
- Flugelhorn
- Flute
- Flying
- Folk
- Folk Traditions
- Folk-pop
- Folkloristic
- Forest
- Forrò
- Forties
- Fox-trot
- France
- Frantic
- Freeform
- French Horn
- Frenetic
- Frenzy
- Frightening
- Frisky
- Fujara
- Fun
- Funeral
- Funfair
- Funky
- Funky Guitar
- Funny
- Furtive
- Fusion
- Futuristic
- Gaita
- Game Show
- Gamelan
- Gavotte
- Gentle
- Ghetto
- Ghostly
- Glamour
- Glass Harmonica
- Glitch
- Glockenspiel
- Gloomy
- Glorious
- Gong
- Gospel
- Graceful
- Grooves
- Groovy
- Grotesque
- Grunge
- Guitar
- Guitar Harmonics
- Gypsy
- Halloween
- Hammond Organ
- Harmonica
- Harmonics
- Harmonium
- Harp
- Harp Harmonics
- Harpsichord
- Hawaii
- Heart Beat
- Heavenly
- Heavy
- Heroic
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- Highlands
- Hip Hop
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- History
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- Holy
- Honky Tonk Piano
- Hopeful
- Horns
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- Hypnotic
- Impact
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- Impressionistic
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- Investigation
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- Jazz
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- Jingles
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- Joyful
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- Kantele
- Keyboards
- Kids
- Klezmer
- Kora
- Koto
- Laboratory
- Laid-Back
- Landscapes
- Latin
- Latin America
- Latin Jazz
- Latin-American
- Lazy
- Leaping
- Leisure
- Light
- Light-Hearted
- Lively
- Lo-Fi Rhythm
- Lonely
- Lounge
- Love
- Low Whistle
- Lullaby
- Lute
- Luxury
- Lyra
- Machinery
- Magic
- Magical
- Majestic
- Mambo
- Mandola
- Mandolin
- March
- Marimba
- Martial
- Mazurka
- Mbira
- Mechanical
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- Meditation
- Mediterranean
- Melancholic
- Melancholy
- Mellow
- Menace
- Metallophone
- Mexico
- Microscopic Life
- Middle Ages
- Middle East
- Midtempo
- Military
- Milonga
- Minimalist
- Minuet
- Mischievous
- Moderato
- Modern
- Montuno
- Moroccan Pipes
- Morocco
- Mosso
- Motors
- Mountains
- Movement
- Murder
- Musette
- Music Box
- Muted Trumpet
- Mysterious
- Mystical
- Naples
- Nature
- New Age
- New Jazz
- New Orleans
- News
- Ney
- Night
- Nightmare
- Nineties
- Noises
- North Africa
- Nostagia
- Nostalgia
- Nursery Rhymes
- Oboe
- Oboe d'amore
- Obsessive
- Ocarina
- Occitan
- Old Time
- Old-Fashioned
- Olympic Games
- Ominous
- Open Spaces
- OpenSound
- OpenSound Vintage
- Oppressive
- Optimistic
- Orchestra
- Orchestral
- Orchestral Brass
- Organ
- Oriental
- Oud
- Pad
- Pakistan
- Panflute
- Panoramic
- Paranormal
- Paris
- Party
- Paso Doble
- Passionate
- Pastoral
- Pathos
- Patriotic
- Peaceful
- Pedal Steel Guitar
- Pensive
- Percussion
- Period
- Pets
- Piano
- Piccolo Flute
- Pipa
- Pizzicato Strings
- Plectrum
- Police
- Polka
- Pop
- Positive
- Positive Organ
- Powerful
- Prepared Piano
- Pressing
- Prestige
- Prime Time
- Primitive
- Production Line
- Progress
- Progressive
- Promos
- Psalter
- Psychedelic
- Psychic
- Psychological
- Pulsing
- Purposeful
- Quena
- R&B
- Racing
- Ragga
- Ragtime
- Rainstick
- Rap
- Rave
- Raw
- Recorder
- Recorders
- Reflective
- Regal
- Reggae
- Relax
- Religion
- Religious
- Remembrance
- Renaissance
- Requiem
- Resonator Guitar
- Retro
- Rhapsodic
- Rhodes Piano
- Rhythm
- Rhythm & Blues
- Rhythmic
- Riding
- Rituals
- Robotic
- Robots
- Rock
- Rock 'n' Roll
- Rock & Roll
- Romania
- Romantic
- Rumba
- Running
- Russia
- Rustic
- Sacred
- Sacred Music
- Sad
- Salsa
- Samba
- Santur
- Saw
- Sax
- Sax Section
- Saz
- Scary
- Scat
- Sci Fi
- Science
- Scotland
- Seductive
- Sensual
- Sentimental
- Sequencer
- Serenade
- Serene
- Serengi
- Serious
- Sertanejo
- Seventies
- Sexy
- Shakers
- Shakuachi
- Shamisen
- Shellhorn
- Shenai
- Sho
- Shofar
- Sicily
- Silent Film
- Sinister
- Sistrum
- Sitar
- Sixties
- Ska
- Slide Guitar
- Slow
- Smokey
- Snare
- Society
- Soft
- Solemn
- Solitary
- Solo Instrument
- Solo Piano
- Soothing
- Soprano Sax
- Soulful
- Soundtrack
- South America
- South Pacific
- Space
- Spain
- Spanish
- Speed
- Spinet
- Spirituality
- Sport
- Spring
- Stately
- Static
- Steppers
- String Quartet
- Strings
- Strings Orchestra
- Striptease
- Subcultures
- Subterranean
- Success
- Suggestive
- Summer
- Supernatural
- Surf
- Surreal
- Suspense
- Suspicion
- Sweet
- Swing
- Synth
- Synth Lead
- Tablas
- Tambourine
- Tammorra
- Tammurriata
- Tampura
- Tango
- Tarantella
- Techno
- Technology
- Teenage
- Tender
- Tenor Sax
- Tension
- Terror
- Tex-Mex
- Theremin
- Thirties
- Thriller
- Thrilling
- Tibia pipe
- Timpani
- Tip-Tap
- Tough
- Touring
- Toy Piano
- Traditional
- Tragedy
- Trance
- Tranquil
- Trap
- Travel
- Triangle
- Tribal
- Trip Hop
- Triumphant
- Trombone
- Tropical
- Tropical Forest
- Trumpet
- Trumpets
- Tuba
- Tubular Bells
- Turkey
- TV Show
- Twenties
- Twist
- Tympanum
- Ufo
- Ukulele
- Underground
- Underscore
- Underwater
- Up Tempo
- Upbeat
- Urban
- Vampire
- Venice
- Vibraphone
- Video Games
- Vienna
- Views
- Vina
- Vintage
- Viol
- Viola
- Violence
- Violin
- Virtuoso
- Vocals
- Vocoder
- Wah-Wah Guitar
- Wait
- Walking Bass
- Waltz
- War
- Warm
- Water
- Waterphone
- Wedding
- Weird
- Western
- Whistle
- Whistling
- Wildlife
- Wind
- Winter
- Woodwind
- Work
- World
- Xylophone
- Yangqin
- Yodel
- Youth TV
- Zen
- Zheng
- Zither
- Iffar
- Klezan
- Mirbiry
- Kaymany
- Ikuhisa
- Asestar
- Hublot
- Antonio Arena
- Federico Arena
- Augusto Arena
- Fabio Armani
- Fabio Borgazzi
- Maria Grazia Borgazzi
- Sandro Brugnolini
- Maria Augusta Bruni
- Bruno Battisti D'Amario
- Raffaella Capogna
- Alberto Carlesi
- Giorgio Carnini
- Elio Cassarà
- Daniele Cestana
- Franco Chiari
- Paolo Di Cioccio
- Flaminia Civitenga
- Miguel Coelho
- Carlo Cossu
- Alberto D'Alfonso
- Alessandro D'Aloia
- Gaetano Delfini
- Roberto Donadi
- Fabrizio Dorsi
- Franco Ferrara
- Flavio Ferrari
- Carlos Cesar Casagrande Filho
- Paolo Fontana
- Lucia Frittoli
- Richard Galluzzi
- Raffaele Gervasio
- Sabina Giavi
- David Honeard
- Stefano Indino
- Vittoria Locurcio
- Marco Machera
- Renato De Maio
- Cristina Majnero
- Muzio Marcellini
- Riccardo Marongiu
- Claudio Martini
- Massimo Francesco Matta
- Stefano Francesco Matta
- Simone Morbidelli
- Simone Maria Morbidelli
- Giovanni Orfino
- Thiago Oliveira de Paiva
- Silvio Piersanti
- Luigi Pontillo
- Oscar Rocchi
- Massimiliano Rosati
- Carlo Savina
- Claudio Scozzafava
- Luca Severino
- Antonio Smiriglia
- Roberto Stanco
- Mauro Tavernelli
- Stefano Torossi
- Antonio Tramontano
- Richard Trythall
Just added:
Psychopercussion Vol.2 (2025)
Psychological, mysterious, environmental. The second volume of percussion tracks with flute effects suitable... for tense and suspenseful situations.
Psychological, mysterious, environmental. The second volume of percussion tracks with flute effects suitable... for tense and suspenseful situations.
Climate Change (2024)
A collection of tracks describing climate change, its effects and the challenges that mankind is facing.
A collection of tracks describing climate change, its effects and the challenges that mankind is facing.
Sinergia (2024)
Poetic sensitivity, inspiration, hope and love. The synergy of these four elements inform the spirit of these... tracks, with a nod to the Neoclassical style, but with a pinch of innovation.
Poetic sensitivity, inspiration, hope and love. The synergy of these four elements inform the spirit of these... tracks, with a nod to the Neoclassical style, but with a pinch of innovation.
Post Industrial Era (2024)
A fascinating collection of tracks evoking and describing the vision of a new post-industrial world that is... sustainable, technology-driven and sophisticated, based on knowledge, research and development.
A fascinating collection of tracks evoking and describing the vision of a new post-industrial world that is... sustainable, technology-driven and sophisticated, based on knowledge, research and development.
Psychopercussion Vol.1 (2024)
Psychological, urban, environmental. The first volume of percussive tracks with flute effects suitable for... tensive and suspect situations.
Psychological, urban, environmental. The first volume of percussive tracks with flute effects suitable for... tensive and suspect situations.
Analog Vibes (2024)
The warm and involving sound of the Eighties in an engaging collection of tracks inspired by the fun-loving... atmospheres of that period.
The warm and involving sound of the Eighties in an engaging collection of tracks inspired by the fun-loving... atmospheres of that period.
All the tracks have been created by
professional composers driven by their passion for music
Editor's choice
Funky Ride
15s cut
15s cut
15'' cutdown version.
Holidays in Sicily
Light-hearted and carefree tune with a medium-paced swinging rhythm, suitable for amusing and playful contexts.
Quiet, wide, panoramic. Piano theme on a light slow rhythm
Elegant and sentimental theme by piano solo in a New Age and Minimalist style with a romantic atmosphere.
Acid Stomp
15s cut
15s cut
15" cutdown version.
Flying Pony
30s cut
30s cut
30'' cutdown version.
Mountain Creek
Panoramic and broad orchestral tune with a serene and peaceful atmosphere, suitable for Nature and environment.
full version
full version
Joyful a cheerful song with African vocals and sax solo over a lively tropical rhythm.
Fancy Dreams
light version
light version
Light version.
Northern Lights
no rhythm
no rhythm
Version without rhythm.