New User
All visitors to this website can freely search and listen to songs from our catalog, but downloading and using them will require registration.
Please be reminded that the use of the Opensound library is subject to specific conditions.Registration is reserved for the following types of users:
You are a TV-RADIO user if you need music for use in national TV or Radio stations (except for web-tv, web-radio, promos and commercials). All utilized music must be specified in cue-sheets so that payment can be made to the copyright holders, through the performing rights company.
Once registration is complete, TV-RADIO users can immediately access their user page and download up to 50 tracks from our catalog. If they need to download more tracks, they can ask for the “TOP” extension, allowing them to download unlimited tracks
You’re a PRO-USER user if you need music for use in local and web TV or radio stations or for promos and commercials, or in company videos, documentaries, films and cinematographic works, audiovisual multimedia products or advertising, events or shows, websites, video shows, games, apps, CDs and DVDs. The actual use of the music must be communicated to an Opensound representative who will issue a specific license, after payment has been made for the synchronization rights.
Once registration is complete, PRO-USERS can immediately access their user page and download up to 50 tracks from our catalog. If they need to download more tracks, they should ask for the “TOP” extension, allowing them to download unlimited tracks.
The use of tracks by PRO-USERS and NON-PRO users requires payment to Opensound for a specific license. All downloads and all uses will be monitored by Opensound which reserves the right to legally pursue any unauthorized use of its repertoire (be it by individuals or legal entities).